Premium Pest Protection

Ant Control

Welcome to Salisbury's Premium Pest Control, your local ant control specialists in Rowan County, NC. We understand that your property can be a battleground for various ant species, each requiring a unique strategy for effective management. Our expertise covers a wide range of ants, including:
- Fire Ants: Recognizable by their aggressive behavior and painful stings, these invaders require prompt attention.
- Carpenter Ants: These wood-destroying ants can cause structural damage and need targeted treatment.
- Big Headed Ants: Known for their oversized heads, they are a nuisance that can be controlled with specialized methods.
- Pavement Ants: Often found under slabs or stones, they are best managed by addressing their outdoor nesting sites.
- Little Black Ants: Commonly seen around kitchens, they seek out sweets and are attracted to moisture.
- Odorous House Ants: Named for the unpleasant odor they emit when crushed, these ants are persistent invaders.
Each species demands a tailored approach, and our pricing reflects the complexity and resources required for each situation. Our process prioritizes quick and effective control, focusing on the ants' harboring areas inside your home with eco-friendly spot treatments. We then establish an extensive 8+ feet barrier around your property for comprehensive protection. For some homes, a full yard treatment may be necessary for complete control, which may incur additional costs.
- Why am I seeing little black ants in my kitchen?
Little black ants are attracted to food sources and moisture, often found scouting your kitchen for crumbs and spills.
- What are these big black ants in my home?
These are likely carpenter ants, which can indicate moisture problems or wood damage within your home's structure.
- Are fire ants dangerous?
Yes, fire ants can be dangerous, delivering painful stings that can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.
- How many ants can nest in one colony?
A single ant colony can house thousands, even millions, of ants, depending on the species.
- Why aren't the products I bought at the store working?
Over-the-counter products may not be formulated to target the specific ant species or may not reach the colony's core.
At Salisbury's Premium Pest Control, we don't just sell pest control; we sell complete peace of mind. Our same-day service ensures that your ant issues are addressed promptly, restoring your comfort and safety. Contact us today to reclaim your space from unwanted guests. Ant Control Experts in Salisbury—we're here to help.

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